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90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs, QLD, 4556


We exist as a representative body for the University of the Sunshine Coast student paramedic program. We are here to help the cohort navigate the awkward acronyms, the complex systematic approaches and to give a boost to your academic journey.


SCUPA Membership

Come Join us as a member and enjoy the rewards!

What does membership do for me?
As a SCUPA member you will save $$$ in many ways and will be given preference for SCUPA events and will reap the rewards of networking with other students, tutors and professionals. Most of all, you will be part of a student organisation run to benefit you and make your student life more enjoyable and prepare you to be a better paramedic.   

·       $10 discount to the Annual Student Paramedic Ball

·      Free/discounted clinical professional development events run by doctors, paramedics, CCPs and academics

·       Free/discounted social events (BBQ’s, Paintball, Bowling, Barefoot Bowls, Trivia Nights)

So where does the money go?   

The money goes towards SCUPA to help with funding events for members, purchasing gifts for the presenters, and subsidising member tickets.  

How do I become a Member?
Click on the link below and complete your order.



You may also be interested in joining the Australasian College of Paramedicine, the peak representative body for paramedics across Australia and New Zealand. Clink on the link below for further information.

Australasian College of Paramedicine