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90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs, QLD, 4556


We exist as a representative body for the University of the Sunshine Coast student paramedic program. We are here to help the cohort navigate the awkward acronyms, the complex systematic approaches and to give a boost to your academic journey.

SCUPA mentoring

SCUPA mentoring students mentoring students!

SCUPA run weekly mentoring sessions for both first-year and second-year students. Here, we go over our primary and secondary surveys and adapt sessions to what students are learning about in class that week. We only recap things covered in class, we do not discuss new topics. This is not an official lab class.


First year mentroing

Semester 1, 2024- 12 pm - 2 pm

Second year mentoring

Semester 1, 2024 - 1 pm - 3 pm