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90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs, QLD, 4556


We exist as a representative body for the University of the Sunshine Coast student paramedic program. We are here to help the cohort navigate the awkward acronyms, the complex systematic approaches and to give a boost to your academic journey.

SCUPA Hoodie

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Order collection available from MG14 at the UniSC Sippy Downs campus. Please see lab staff to access the room.

SCUPA Hoodie

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SCUPA Hoodie


Sunshine Coast University Paramedic Association hoodies!

These cosy SCUPA hoodies come in three different colours: navy, maroon or dark grey and all with the SCUPA logos printed on the front and back.

Made with 50% cotton and 50% polyester preshrunk fleece knit. Please see images for description of the sizing.

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